Hello there!

I am a Program Associate, Public Revenue-Delhi at CEGIS. An economist in making, having previously worked with Prof. Meghna Agarwala and Prof. Aparajita Dasgupta at Ashoka University on the Determinants of Crop Residue Burning in India.

A first-generation learner, I am an MSc Econ graduate from IGIDR, Mumbai and BA(Hons) Econ from Hindu Collge, University of Delhi. I am interested in Institutions. In the words of WB Arthur,

There are two great problems in economics. One is allocation within the economy: how quantities of goods and services and their prices are determined within and across markets. This is represented by the great theories of general equilibrium, international trade, and game-theoretic analysis. The other is formation within the economy: how an economy emerges in the first place, and grows and changes structurally over time. This is represented by ideas about innovation, economic development, structural change, and the role of history, institutions, and governance in the economy. The allocation problem is well understood and highly mathematized, the formation one less well understood and barely mathematized.

Feel free to reach out to me if you want to talk about economics, old books or Ghazals.
